Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tolerance & Compassion....What's That?

Tolerance is probably going towards extinction in some years down the line, by looking at the way people react on small things in a gigantic manner. Why so much fuss? Why so much anger? Why so much impatience? Come on, we are human being not some out-of-control animal. I hope people know the basic difference between the two. 

Younger generation has more intolerance towards things in general. Aggression, hate, anger, impatient are terms probably got in place of peace, love, compassion and patience. Adding hate feelings towards anyone does more damage to the person holding it, rather than to someone else.

Its not necessary to react on every damn situation just to prove your point. Well that doesn't serve the purpose. Anger is different, it may come and go. We must not hold a grudge for too long. We have all the rights to get angry with someone, but we don't have rights to be cruel towards anyone physically or mentally. Don't leave a person in a feeling of loneliness or being unloved. Thats the worst possible damage.
And then feel victorious. No its not a moment to rejoice. 

Ego, anger for anger, taking revenge, all this will make any situation a disaster. Its upto us whether we make it or break  it. World desperately needs love, as there is enough hate already. People should not be bullied for being different, behaving differently or for having different opinions. And the question in case is 'Who says that you are the only correct one here?' Think about it.

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